In the midst of an increasingly digital age, investing in technologies for businesses is critical for CEOs who want to succeed.

The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic revolutionized the way we relate and do business. Individuals that weren’t used to digital started to incorporate technology in their routines, and the ones who were already digitals started to be more demanding.

Talking about business, despite the changes and doubts caused by the pandemic crisis, one thing is right: Companies that stand out are the ones that better adapt to digital and are prepared for new technological transformations.

In this scenario, investing in technologies for businesses is fundamental for CEOs and leaders to adapt themselves to the new era and be well-suced.

Technologies for businesses: the great bets for 2022

Check out the next 6 technologies for businesses and the main trends for this year.

1. Collaborative tools

Identifying which will be the trends for this year is fundamental so that executive leaders can understand the importance of investing in determined technologies for businesses.

First, the Coronavirus pandemic made many companies adopt forced remote work, having to migrate to digital overnight. Today, however, companies that stand out are the ones that can adapt to the virtual without losing the quality in service delivery, and in internal communication as well.

In this scenario, the great bet for 2022 – and for the next few years – is a work future where the predominant thought is the “digital first”, where most companies, especially those in the technology sector, will adopt a hybrid or remote work system.

A survey conducted by IDC Brasil for Google Cloud, in May 2021, shows that 43% of companies in Brazil decided to adopt a hybrid model in the post-pandemic.

Soon, investing in collaborative tools that allows us to perform tasks face-to-face or virtually has become one of the greatest bets in terms of technology for businesses for this year.

In the actual scenario, it is worth remembering that collaborative tools are also an excellent means to deal with the shortage of talent, allowing companies to seek employees in other regions.

2. Omnichannel and focus on the customer’s total experience.

It is not shocking that when executing with harmony and synchrony a strategy focused on the total experience, a company can deliver transforming and memorable experiences not only for their customers, but also collaborators and other users of digital products and services.

Gartner’s projections estimate that, in 2026, 60% of big organizations will use total experience to transform their business models, making brand advocates the most interacting consumers and employees.

From the data presented above, it is clear that the trend is an increasingly digital relation between employees, companies and customers.

Besides that, as the interactions become increasingly virtual and distributed, it becomes extremely important to invest in a multichannel (omnichannel) strategy focused in CX.

Solutions that consider the consumer’s omnichannel experience also impacts employees. When the collaborator is immersed in operational tasks and in customer service, he does not have time to act strategically. On the other hand, when motivated and inserted in the company’s digital transformation, the workforce creates better and more assertive solutions in addition to focusing on understanding and serving its customers.

3. Technologies focused in data analysis

A new reality of open and shared data brings a series of opportunities and challenges for companies.

Regardless of the market, extracting value from data is essential to create intelligent solutions and ensure business competitiveness.

Many companies already accumulate and group data, in a kind of data-driven culture. However, to extract the real commercial value of this information, they need to be reliable and enriched from different bases.

The great initial challenge is building a data architecture able to hold all and any sources, being them known or not yet known, with structured and unstructured information. From that, the automation of the data extraction process starts.

In this scenario, investing in tools focused in data analysis is another great bet in technology that CEOs should take into consideration.

With structured, integrated and enriched data it is possible to count with decision intelligence to conduct the business more assertively, making accurate and replicable choices.

4. Business-Centric

In a scenario of constant digital transformation and new habits and behaviors, legacy systems have become a problem to be faced by companies.

Legacy systems impact the time of innovation and the omnichannel experience of consumers. In addition, these systems also make it difficult to attract talents. However, the decision to stop facing a modernization project must be business-centric.

 Understanding which resources are fundamental for the business and concentrating on its modernization is an important step. In this case, it is necessary to consider all applications that give support to these resources, in all platforms – instead of focusing the efforts on a specific application. In most cases, the age of the asset is not the choice criterion.

The product’s lifecycle at its modernization project also needs to be taken into consideration. In the technological context, there will always be technical debts, as new tools and more modern methodologies are constantly emerging in all areas. Therefore, it is necessary to keep evolving modernized solutions; Considering this in product planning avoids the belief that there is no budget for future updates.

5. Cloud

Technologies based in cloud storage are also great bets for this year and guarantee a series of benefits: data availability and business scalability, collaboration to reduce hosting costs and accelerate innovation, enabling new business models. During the pandemic, such characteristics proved to be fundamental for the maintenance of organizations.

However, migrating data and applications doesn’t make your product cloud native. To really gain the mentioned benefits, it is important to consider cloud computing, modernizing the applications to the new reality.

Investing in migration while maintaining legacy systems premises, management and processes, makes the full benefits impossible – and still impacts security. An error relatively common is considering that any application can be migrated, without considering how it will impact its performance and user’s experience.

The factors involved in cloud computing are countless and understanding how they impact your business and your product’s characteristics will help for the correct direction among the possible alternatives, from migrating lift and shift to the cloud to modernizing cloud-based.

6. InnovationOps

To keep up with the new hybrid or remote relationship needs with customers and workforce during the pandemic, companies had to invest in technology solutions to gain agility, automation and intelligence in processes. However, implementing the transformation suddenly caused waste and difficulty in scaling and reusing.

According to Gartner Consulting’s 2021 global survey, 60% of boards around the world are looking to improve operational excellence through digital solutions. According to the survey, it was concluded that there is waste, low integration and few reuse in all steps of digital products developing and operating, from the research to the conception and delivery. Because of that, companies are structuring their initiatives on ResearchOps, DesignOps and DevOps – which directly impacts innovation (InnovationOps).

Digital operations maturity is a relevant indicator about how challenging it will be for an organization to implement an effective strategy for operational excellence. This evaluation takes into consideration factors like investments in technological solutions, innovation culture and governance, in addition to the team’s skills and leaderships’ engagement.

Understanding the new challenges and anticipating how your organization can be prepared, will make your company leave out of the pandemic in a diversified path, using the learnings – which were not few – to generate the necessary agility and to differentiate itself in its segment.

DNK is number one in solutions for call center and contact center focused in technologies for businesses

Aligned with the market trends and needs, DNK offers the best solutions for Call Center and Contact Center focuses in technologies for businesses. For this, DNK is specialized in the development of high-performance products, solutions and services for companies in the area.

The use of last generation technologies together with a team of experienced professionals, took DNK to constantly innovate to transform the experience of customers and partners with their consumers.

DNK cherishes excellence in customer service, providing their partners with tools and platforms with innovative and customizable functions in order to guarantee a satisfactory and unforgettable Customer Experience.

All solutions offered by DNK are data-based, being able to issue manager reports in real time and store relevant data in the cloud. Therefore, sensible information is collected, analyzed and stored with maximum security.

Besides that, with DNK’s services and products, customer service is made through an integrated omnichannel platform, which connects all service channels (WhatsApp, voice, web, chat, among others) with fast customer’s data and information recovery, in order to provide a complete and satisfactory management of customer journey with differentiated results, maximum security and in compliance with the standards required by the LGPD.

The company is recognized by the market and awarded by its solutions and successful cases. Winner of the “Best Self-service Solution” category in the XXI Modern Customer Award and champion of the silver trophy at the 2020 Cliente SA Award, in the “Leader in Innovation Strategy” category, in partnership with a customer, DNK understands that a well-served consumer is the secret to successful service.

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